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  • US: 3 Found Guilty in College Basketball Recruiting Scheme

    In a case that has rocked the college basketball world, a Manhattan federal court on Wednesday handed out a guilty verdict to two Adidas officials and an aspiring NBA agent in connection with their schemes to secretly pay top high school basketball recruits to secure their commitments to Adidas-sponsored college teams, the New York Times reported.

  • Georgian Prosecutors Investigating Spanish Basketball Deal

    The Georgian Basketball Federation signed an expensive deal to develop its young players in Spain. Nearly four years later, it has almost nothing to show for it — and prosecutors are on the case.

    Nika Darbaidze (#11) participated in a player development deal with Spain’s Saski Baskonia team, but decided to join the Georgian national team instead of returning to Spain for a second season. (Photo: iFact.ge)Nika Darbaidze (#11) participated in a player development deal with Spain’s Saski Baskonia team, but decided to join the Georgian national team instead of returning to Spain for a second season. (Photo: iFact.ge)

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